- First shrine is up! Check it out here!
- Stylesheet changes:
- Variables for colors to allow for alterations in future.
- Added some comments to seperate sections
- The lack of updates has been becuase my focus has been on the shrine! Now that the ground-work has been done, I should be able to do more frequest, smaller updates.
- New Review! Check it out here.
- Cover added to new content block on home page.
- Profile pic added to About page.
- Updated background so its no longer a solid colour
- Guestbook is now working! Check it out on the home page or about page.
- More tweaks to the stylesheet. I think its going to be perpetually in flux.
- Fixed spelling errors and a few display errors on first review.
- Review stylesheet is almost finalized.
- New content linked to homepage
- Writing now has content!
- First review up
- Reviews page is functional.
- Edited style sheet. Added banners to content blocks.
- Reviews page was linked to the stylesheet and is now functional
- Still no content in Writing and Reviews. Hopefully, there should be something there soon.
- Edited project page, adding writing and reviews.
- Content still needs to be filled, but all lorem ipsum filler text removed.
- All pages have content, except for Writing and Reviews.
- Stylesheet is still in need of tweaks