Ritsu Sakuma

Name: Ritsu Sakuma
Unit: Knights
Birthday: September 22nd
Starsign: Virgo
Blood Type:
Favourite Food:

Everyone's favourite vampire Knight! Ritsu is probably the first fictional character I can 100% say I have a crush on. I'd never thought about what I'd want in a future partner until I realised that Ritsu ticked all the boxes.
Is he slightly toxic? Yes.
Is he a literally vampire who would in fact suck my blood? Also yes!
Luckily for me, I'm into that.

In all seriousness though, Ritsu is an incredibly complex character. In fact, he's one of the only characters I straight up refuse to write fanfic for because I just can't nail down his personality.
He doesn't fit into a neat box, he changes from a lazy crybaby to an energetic and chivalrous knight in the blink of an eye. Perhaps that's one of the reasons I love him so much. Characters that can't be forced into predetermined molds always stand out to me.

Over the four years of story, Ritsu has matured incredibly as a character.
As much as I want to write paragraphs and paragraphs detailing his character growth, suffice it to say he has matured from someone who always put in as little effort as possible to a knight who is fiercly protective of his friends.
His battle with his chronic illness and hereditary curse of vampirism has never ended but with the support of his friends and older brother, he is improving slowly and steadily!
